Overall, these synonyms can be used depending on the context and purpose of the desired document reproduction. The term ‘photocopying machine’ is so ambiguous that you can’t picture in your mind what a photocopying machine is in an office setting The banter over the meaning continues. Duplicate and replica refer to the exact reproduction of an original document, and printout is a term used to describe a physical print version of the document. Though other colors of ditto sheets were available, purple.

Similarly, carbon copy and facsimile refer to the process of creating a replica of a document, particularly through fax machines. The ditto machine used an alcohol-based fluid to dissolve some of the dye in the document, and transferred the image to the copy paper. Xerox is often used as a verb, meaning to reproduce a document through a photocopying machine. Some of the popular synonyms that can be used interchangeably with the word "photocopy" are xerox, carbon copy, facsimile, duplicate, printout, replica, and copy. Photocopying means a photograph, microphotograph and any other reproduction on paper or film in any scale, or the process of reproducing, in the form of a. The term "photocopy" is commonly known as a reproduction of a printed or written document. 1 or photostat machine : a device used for making a photographic copy of graphic matter Photostat machines, which were introduced in the early 1900s and which make copies photographically on sensitized paper, were much too expensive for ordinary office use.